On the 3rd anniversary of the release of “Preventable, Protecting our Largest Organ,” ITSAN recognizes Briana Banos for her tireless work to educate the medical community about Topical Steroid Withdrawal Syndrome, to ease the isolation and mental health toll on TSW sufferers and caregivers, and to prevent the suffering of infants, children, teenagers and adults from having their lives derailed by this iatrogenic condition. Briana has championed the TSW community in many ways over the years, often while experiencing her own personal health challenges and healing milestones.
We honor Briana Banos for her courage and determination to hold a light to the real impact of TSW Syndrome. Preventable, released in March 2019 has drawn close to 80k views. That is remarkable when you consider that Briana was still recovering from TSW Syndrome while producing, writing, editing and directing the film.
“This project filled my heart and home for two years and I am so grateful for this experience. I am now focusing on living in the present, putting the worst of my withdrawal behind me, and embracing the opportunities ahead.” -Briana Banos, excerpt from Preventable.
Preventable is not Briana’s first effort towards ending TSW suffering, nor her last. TSW long haulers first met Briana through YouTube videos she shared in 2015. Suddenly the stigma of a full body flare and losing hair was lessened as sufferers and caregivers felt seen. Through humor and lived experience, Briana led the way by highlighting invisible hurdles including the challenge of when a doctor dismisses your condition. She also explained ways for loved ones to help TSW sufferers. “Even just coming over and sitting there, there doesn’t have to be a conversation, just the comfort of your company beside us means the world. It can truly be lifesaving.” Her YouTube series “TSW Information” is for anyone looking to learn more about every aspect concerning Topical Steroid Withdrawal, be it mindset, caregiving, or helpful tips.
In 2017, Briana launched a YouTube series called, “How Do We Function?” interviewing medical experts on topics including: allergic disease, vitamin D, skin health, autoimmune disease, psychodermatology and gene mutations (including MTHFR). Each video provides a closer look at how our bodies work and ways to support mental and physical health and healing.
In 2019 with the approaching 2 year anniversary of Preventable, Briana caught up with the stars of her film and launched a special YouTube series called, “Where Are They Now?” In these reunion videos TSW warriors and caregivers featured in Preventable catch us up on how their lives have changed over the past two years.
“The number of people telling their story and putting it out there, the fact that we can not be ignored, everyone is not an anomaly, every single person, thousands of people. I mean there are disease states far more rare, that are taken seriously and cared about and fundraised for and ‘we’re going to solve this’ you know, so I feel like the time has come.” -Kathryn Tullos, ITSAN President and TSW Parent Caregiver
“When you go through TSW you are offered a unique perspective on life, in terms of you truly understand the value and what is important and it is nothing material. It is, am I comfortable? That’s all I wanted…I just want to make sure that one day in the future this won’t even be a thing. Let’s hope one day no one else has to suffer.” -Cara Ward, TSW Survivor and writer
In January 2022, Briana returned with her newest YouTube series, “Tea with Bri,” reminding TSW warriors and caregivers that they can make it through. At 7 years TSW and after three recent major surgeries Briana brings needed cheer to TSW newcomers and veterans.
“While the world keeps spinning on, most of us are locked inside with physical ailments beyond compare. Loneliness from wanting to do so much, but being benched because of our illness and not having much if any support from the medical community when we need it most. TSW can feel like a prison sentence…now I didn’t come here to depress you, TSW has pretty much got that covered. I wanted to leave you with four things, four ways to keep that train of hope moving forward.
First, you are not alone. If you ever find yourself needing companionship or support there are so many TSW Facebook groups that are private, just for us, even for caregivers and mothers that are expecting. There is even ITSAN, our very own nonprofit that fights for us every single day. Just their very presence gives us validity.” -Briana Banos
(Check out Tea with Bri – Episode 2 to hear more!)
Follow Preventable on YouTube here
Discover Briana’s “Little Bird Blog” with TSW information and resources here.
Keep up with news from Briana shared on Linktree here.
Thank you Briana, for bringing the TSW community hope, encouragement, TSW resources, for reminding us we are strong, it gets better and for making us smile. We applaud you!!!
“We all wish to be back to normalcy, to have our lives back that have been so viciously taken away from us. We yearn for healing, both mentally and physically, and for the ability to enjoy life once again.” -Briana Banos